Leitender Arzt
Klinik für Neurochirurgie und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Facharzt für Neurochirurgie
Spezielle Neurochirurgische Onkologie
Spinale Neurochirurgie
seit 02/2021
Leitender Arzt
Klinik für Neurochirurgie und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
Kantonsspital Winterthur
2009 – 2021
Stv. ärztlicher Direktor und leitender Oberarzt
Leiter neurochirurgisches Forschungslabor
Klinik für Neurochirurgie
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
2015 – 2017
Kommissarischer Leiter
Sektion pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Klinik für Neurochirurgie
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
2008 – 2009
Stv. geschäftsführender Oberarzt
Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
2005 – 2008
Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
1998 – 2004
Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Ausbildung, Weiterbildung und akademische Laufbahn
Ernennung zum ausserplanmässigen Professor für Neurochirurgie
Universität Ulm
Habilitation und Venia legendi für Neurochirurgie
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Facharztanerkennung für Neurochirurgie
1996 – 1998
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Experimentelle Neuro-Onkologie
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
1994 – 1996
Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
1987 – 1993
Studium der Humanmedizin
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Zertifikat Spezielle Neurochirurgische Onkologie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
Zertifikat Spinale Neurochirurgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
2001 – 2004
Vierteiliger internationaler Trainingskurs
European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
(Prag, Rom, Amsterdam, Krakau)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
- Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft
- Neuroonkologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft
- Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft
- Scientific Advisory Board, International Institute of Anticancer Research
- Reuters Insight Community of Experts
- Procedures performed during neurosurgery residency in Europe.
Stienen M.N., Freyschlag C.F., Schaller K., Meling T., EANS Young Neurosurgeons and EANS Training Committee (darunter Halatsch M.-E.).
Acta Neurochir 162 (10): 2303–2311 (2020) - Dual metabolic reprogramming by ONC201/TIC10 and 2-deoxyglucose induces energy depletion and synergistic anti-cancer activity in glioblastoma.
Pruss M., Dwucet A., Tanrioever M., Hlavac M., Kast R.E., Debatin K.M., Wirtz C.R., Halatsch M.-E., Siegelin M.D., Westhoff M.A., Karpel-Massler G.
Br J Cancer 122: 1146- 1157 (2020). - A new treatment opportunity for DIPG and diffuse midline gliomas: 5-ALA-augmented irradiation, the 5aai regimen.
Kast R.E., Michael A.P., Sardi I., Burns T.C., Heiland T., Karpel-Massler G., Kamar F.G., Halatsch M.-E.
Brain Sci 10 (1): e51 (2020). - A rare case of sporadic malignant optic pathway glioma in a 71-year old woman.
Heiland T., Karpel-Massler G., Scheuerle A., Wirtz C.R., Halatsch M.-E.
World Neurosurg 133: 413-415 (2020). - Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibition predominantly synergistically enhances the anti-neoplastic activity of a low-dose CUSP9 repurposed drug regime against glioblastoma.
Halatsch M.-E., Kast R.E., Dwucet A., Hlavac M., Heiland T., Westhoff M.A., Debatin K.M., Wirtz C.R., Siegelin M.D., Karpel-Massler G.
Br J Pharmacol 176 (18): 3681-3694 (2019). - Neue Wege in der Behandlung des Glioblastoms.
Heiland T., Halatsch M.-E.
Forum Sanitas 2: 40-42 (2019). - Drug Repurposing in der Behandlung des Glioblastom-Rezidivs.
Heiland T., Halatsch M.-E.
Journal Onkologie 5: 54-57 (2019). - Combined inhibition of RAC1 and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL synergistically induces glioblastoma cell death through down-regulation of the Usp9X/Mcl-1 axis.
Hlavac M., Dwucet A., Kast R.E., Engelke J., Westhoff M.A., Siegelin M.D., Debatin K.M., Wirtz C.R., Halatsch M.-E., Karpel-Massler G.
Cell Oncol 42 (3): 287-301 (2019). - Augmentation of 5-aminolevulinic acid treatment of glioblastoma by adding ciprofloxacin, deferiprone, 5-fluorouracil and febuxostat: the CALAA regimen.
Kast R.E, Skuli N., Sardi I., Capanni F., Hessling M., Frosina G., Kast A.P., Karpel-Massler G., Halatsch M.-E.
Brain Sci 8 (12): e203 (2018). - Viability of glioblastoma stem cells is effectively reduced by diisothiocyanate-derived mercapturic acids.
Cwiklowska K., Westhoff M.A., Freisinger S., Dwucet A., Halatsch M.-E., Knippschild U., Debatin M., Schirmbeck R., Winiarski L., Oleksyszyn J., Wirtz C.R., Burster T.
Oncol Lett 16 (5): 6181-6187 (2018). - Blocking distinct interactions between glioblastoma cells and their tissue microenvironment: A novel multi-targeted therapeutic approach.
Mettang M., Meyer-Pannwitt V., Karpel-Massler G., Zhou S., Carragher N.O., Föhr K.J., Baumann B., Nonnenmacher L., Enzenmüller S., Dahlhaus M., Siegelin M.D., Stroh S., Mertens D., Fischer-Posovszky P., Schneider E.M., Halatsch M.-E., Debatin K.M., Westhoff M.A.
Sci Rep 8 (1): 5527 (2018). - Inhibition of PI3K increases the efficiency of radiotherapy in glioblastoma cells.
Hasslacher S., Schneele L., Stroh S., Langhans J., Zeiler K., Kattner P., Karpel-Massler G., Siegelin M.D., Schneider M., Zhou S., Grunert M., Halatsch M.-E., Nonnenmacher L., Debatin K.M., Westhoff M.A.
Int J Oncol 53 (5): 1881-1896 (2018). - Response to cervical medial branch blocks in patients with cervicogenic vertigo.
Hahn T., Halatsch M.-E., Wirtz C.R., Klessinger S.
Pain Physician 21 (3): 285-294 (2018). - Blocking epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in glioblastoma with a sextet of repurposed drugs: the EIS regimen.
Kast R.E., Skuli N., Karpel-Massler G., Frosina G., Ryken T., Halatsch M.-E.
Oncotarget 8 (37): 60727-60749 (2017). - Anti-glioma activity of dapsone and its enhancement by synthetic chemical modification.
Karpel-Massler G., Kast R.E., Siegelin M.D., Dwucet A., Schneider E., Westhoff M.A., Wirtz C.R., Chen X.Y., Halatsch M.-E., Bolm C.
Neurochem Res 42 (12): 3382-3389 (2017). - The effects of PI3K-mediated signaling on glioblastoma cell behaviour.
Langhans J., Schneele L., Trenkler N., Von Bandemer H., Nonnenmacher L., Karpel-Massler G., Siegelin M.D., Zhou S., Halatsch M.-E., Debatin K.M., Westhoff M.A.
Oncogenesis 6 (11): 398 (2017). - The ABC7 regimen: a new approach to metastatic breast cancer using seven common drugs to inhibit epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and augment capecitabine efficacy.
Kast R.E., Skuli N., Cos S., Karpel-Massler G., Shiozawa Y., Goshen R., Halatsch M.-E.
Breast Cancer 9: 495-514 (2017). - BH3-mimetics and BET-inhibitors elicit enhanced lethality in malignant glioma.
Ishida C.T., Bianchetti E., Shu C., Halatsch M.-E., Westhoff M.A., Karpel-Massler G., Siegelin M.D.
Oncotarget 8 (18): 29558-29573 (2017). - Mitochondrial matrix chaperone and c-myc inhibition causes enhanced lethality in glioblastoma.
Ishida C.T., Shu C., Halatsch M.-E., Westhoff M.A., Altieri D.C., Karpel-Massler G., Siegelin M.D.
Oncotarget 8 (23): 37140-37153 (2017). - Simultaneous interference with HER1/EGFR and RAC1 signaling drives cytostasis and suppression of survivin in human glioma cells in vitro.
Karpel-Massler G., Westhoff M.A., Kast R.E., Dwucet A., Karpel-Massler S., Nonnenmacher L., Siegelin M.D., Wirtz C.R., Debatin K.M., Halatsch M.-E.
Neurochem Res 42 (5): 1543- 1554 (2017). - Exogenous cathepsin G upregulates cell surface MHC class I molecules on immune and glioblastoma cells.
Giese M., Turiello N., Molenda N., Palesch D., Meid A., Schroeder R., Basilico P., Benarafa C., Halatsch M.-E., Zimecki M., Westhoff M.A., Wirtz C.R., Burster T.
Oncotarget 7 (46): 74602-74611 (2017). - Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging.
Hlavac M., Wirtz C.R., Halatsch M.-E.
HNO 65 (1): 25-29 (2017). - Cell death induction in cancer therapy – past, present and future.
Nonnenmacher L., Hasslacher S., Zimmermann J., Karpel-Massler G., La Ferla-Brühl K., Barry S.E., Burster T., Siegelin M.D., Brühl O., Halatsch M.-E., Debatin K.M., Westhoff M.A.
Crit Rev Oncog 21 (3-4): 253-267 (2016). - Metabolic reprogramming of glioblastoma cells by L- asparaginase sensitizes for apoptosis in vitro and in vivo.
Karpel-Massler G., Ramani D., Shu C., Halatsch M.-E., Westhoff M.A., Bruce J., Canoll P., Siegelin M.
Oncotarget 7 (23): 33512- 33528 (2016). - Trial of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic intracranial hypertension.
Hutchinson P.J., Kolias A.G., Timofeev I.S., Corteen E.A., Czosnyka M., Timothy J., Anderson I., Bulters D.O., Belli A., Eynon C.A., Wadley J., Mendelow A.D., Mitchell P.M., Wilson M.H., Critchley G., Sahuquillo J., Unterberg A., Servadei F., Teasdale G.M., Pickard J.D., Menon D.K., Murray G.D., Kirkpatrick P.J., RescueICP Trial Collaborators (darunter Halatsch M.-E.).
N Engl J Med 375 (12): 1119-11130 (2016). - Toward a noncytotoxic glioblastoma therapy: blocking MCP-1 with the MTZ regimen.
Salacz E., Kast R.E., Saki N., Brüning A., Karpel-Massler G., Halatsch M.-E.
Onco Targets Ther 9: 2535-2545 (2016). - Cathepsin G-mediated proteolytic degradation of MHC class I molecules to facilitate immune detection of human glioblastoma cells.
Palesch D., Wagner J., Meid A., Molenda N., Sienczyk M., Burkhardt J., Münch J., Prokop L., Stevanovic S., Westhoff M.A., Halatsch M.-E., Wirtz C.R., Zimecki M., Burster T.
Cancer Immunol Immunother 65 (3): 283-291 (2016). - Inhibition of deubiquitinases primes glioblastoma cells to apoptosis in vitro and in vivo.
Karpel-Massler G., Banu M.A., Shu C., Halatsch M.-E., Westhoff M.A., Bruce J.N., Canoll P., Siegelin M.D.
Oncotarget 7 (11): 12791-12805 (2016). - Lactoferrin is an allosteric enhancer of the proteolytic activity of cathepsin G.
Eipper S., Steiner R., Lesner A., Sienczyk M., Palesch D., Halatsch M.-E., Zaczynska E., Zimecki M., Wirtz C.R., Burster T.
PLoS One 11 (3): e0151509 (2016). - A paired comparison between glioblastoma „stem cells“ and differentiated cells.
Schneider M., Ströbele S., Nonnenmacher L., Siegelin M.D., Tepper M., Stroh S., Hasslacher S., Enzenmüller S., Baumann B., Karpel-Massler G., Westhoff M.A., Debatin K.M., Halatsch M.-E.
Int J Cancer 138 (7): 1709-1718 (2016). - First report of recurrent intramuscular lipoma after decompression surgery of the lumbar spine.
Klessinger S., Freund W., Karpel-Massler G., Wirtz C.R., Thal D.R., Halatsch M.-E.
J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 77: 68-72 (2016). - TIC10/ONC201 synergizes with Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibition in glioblastoma by suppression of Mcl-1 and its binding partners in vitro and in vivo.
Karpel-Massler G., Ba M., Shu C., Halatsch M.-E., Westhoff M.A., Bruce J., Canoll P., Siegelin M.
Oncotarget 6 (34): 36456-36471 (2015). - A potential role for the inhibition of PI3K signaling in glioblastoma therapy.
Ströbele S., Schneider M., Schneele L., Siegelin M.D., Nonnenmacher L., Zhou S., Karpel-Massler G., Westhoff M.A., Halatsch M.-E., Debatin K.M.
PLoS One 10 (6): e0131670 (2015). - Combined inhibition of Bcl-2/Bcl-xL and Usp9X/Bag3 overcomes apoptotic resistance in glioblastoma in vitro and in vivo.
Karpel-Massler G., Shu C., Chau L., Banu M., Halatsch M.-E., Westhoff M.A., Ramirez Y., Ross A., Bruce J., Canoll P., Siegelin M.D.
Oncotarget 6 (16): 14507-14521 (2015). - Nutzen der halbkoronaren Schichtung im MRT der Halswirbelsäule.
Freund W., Klessinger S., Mueller M., Halatsch M.-E., Hoepner G., Weber F., Schmitz B.
Radiologe 55 (11): 1000-1008 (2015). - Olanzapine inhibits proliferation, migration and anchorage-independent growth in human glioblastoma cell lines and enhances temozolomide’s antiproliferative effect.
Karpel-Massler G., Kast R.E., Westhoff M.A., Dwucet A., Welscher N., Nonnenmacher L., Hlavac M., Siegelin M.D., Wirtz C.R., Debatin K.M., Halatsch M.-E.
J Neurooncol 122 (1): 21-33 (2015). - PARP inhibition restores extrinsic apoptotic sensitivity in glioblastoma.
Karpel-Massler G., Pareja F., Aime P., Shu C., Chau L., Westhoff M.A., Halatsch M.-E., Crary J.F., Canoll P., Siegelin M.D.
PLoS One 9 (12): e114583 (2014). - The CUSP9* treatment protocol for recurrent glioblastoma: aprepitant, artesunate, auranofin, captopril, celecoxib, disulfiram, itraconazole, ritonavir, sertraline augmenting continuous low-dose temozolomide.
Kast R.E., Karpel-Massler G., Halatsch M.-E.
Oncotarget 5 (18): 8052-8082 (2014). - Response to transforaminal injection of steroids and correlation to MRI findings in patients with cervical radicular pain or radiculopathy due to disc herniation or spondylosis.
Klessinger S., Freund W., Halatsch M.-E.
Pain Med 15 (6): 929-937 (2014). - RIST: A potent new combination therapy for glioblastoma treatment.
Nonnenmacher L., Westhoff M.A., Fulda S., Karpel-Massler G., Halatsch M.-E., Engelke J., Simmet T., Corbacioglu S., Debatin K.M.
Int J Cancer 136 (4): E173-187 (2014). - Artesunate enhances the antiproliferative effect of temozolomide on U-87MG and A-172 glioblastoma cell lines.
Karpel-Massler G., Westhoff M.A., Kast R.E., Dwucet A., Nonnenmacher L., Wirtz C.R., Debatin K.M., Halatsch M.-E.
Anti-Cancer Agents Med Chem 14 (2): 313-318 (2014). - Glioblastoma treatment using perphenazine to block the subventricular zone’s tumor-trophic functions.
Kast R.E., Ellingson B.M., Marosi C., Halatsch M.-E.
J Neurooncol 116 (2): 207-212 (2014). - Phosphoinositide 3-kinases upregulate system xc- via eIF2α and ATF4 – a pathway active in glioblastomas and epilepsy.
Lewerenz J., Baxter P., Berger R., Albrecht P., Van Liefferinge J., Westhoff M.A., Halatsch M.-E., Meakin P.J., Hayes D., Aronica E., Smolders I., Ludolph A.C., Methner A., Massie A., Hardingham G.E., Maher P.
Antioxid Redox Signal 20 (18): 2907-2922 (2014). - Real-time ultrasound monitoring during intracranial needle biopsies. Operative results and detection of complications in 100 cases.
Allouch H., Behnke-Mursch J., Halatsch M.-E., Mursch K.
World Neurosurg 82 (1-2): 202-206 (2014). - Inhibition of NFκB signaling ablates the invasive phenotype of glioblastoma.
Westhoff M.A., Zhou S., Nonnenmacher L., Karpel-Massler G., Jennewein C., Schneider M., Halatsch M.-E., Carragher N.O., Baumann B., Krause A., Simmet T., Bachem M., Wirtz C.R., Debatin K.M.
Mol Cancer Res 11 (12): 1611-1623 (2013). - Electroconvulsive treatment as used in psychiatry temporarily opens the blood-brain barrier: Could this be used to better deliver chemotherapy to glioblastoma?
Kast R.E., Lewczuk P., Halatsch M.-E., Karpel-Massler G., Altschuler E.L., Bolwig T.
Br J Med Med Res 3 (4): 1798-1805 (2013). - Combined inhibition of HER1/EGFR and RAC1 results in a synergistic antiproliferative effect on established and primary cultured human glioblastoma cells.
Karpel-Massler G., Westhoff M.A., Zhou S., Nonnenmacher L., Dwucet A., Kast R.E., Bachem M.G., Wirtz C.R., Debatin K.M., Halatsch M.-E.
Mol Cancer Ther 12 (9): 1783-1795 (2013). - A conceptually new treatment approach for relapsed glioblastoma: Coordinated undermining of survival paths with nine repurposed drugs (CUSP9) by the International Initiative for Accelerated Improvement of Glioblastoma Care.
Kast R.E., Boockvar J.A., Brüning A., Cappello F., Chang W.-W., Cvek B., Dou Q.P., Duenas-Gonzalez A., Efferth T., Focosi D., Ghaffari S.H., Karpel-Massler G., Ketola K., Khoshnevisan A., Keizman D., Magné N., Marosi C., Mcdonald K., Muñoz M., Paranjpe A., Pourgholami M.H., Sardi I., Sella A., Srivenugopal K.S., Tuccori M., Wang W., Wirtz C.R., Halatsch M.-E.
Oncotarget 4 (4): 502-530 (2013) - Aldehyde dehydrogenase and HSP90 co-localize in human glioblastoma biopsy cells.
Rappa F., Capello F., Halatsch M.-E., Scheuerle A., Kast R.E.
Biochimie 95 (4): 782-786 (2013). - Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging: Fifteen years’ experience in the neurosurgical hybrid operating suite.
Hlavac M., König R., Halatsch M.-E., Wirtz C.R.
Unfallchirurg 115 (2): 121-124 (2012). - Irrigation can cause prolonged intracranial pressure elevations during endoscopic treatment of intraventricular hematomas.
Trnovec S., Halatsch M.-E., Behnke-Mursch J., Mursch K.
Br J Neurosurg 26 (2): 247-251 (2012). - The rationale of targeting neutrophils with dapsone during glioblastoma treatment.
Kast R.E., Scheuerle A., Wirtz C.R., Karpel-Massler G., Halatsch M.-E.
Anti-Cancer Agents Med Chem 11 (8): 756-761 (2011). - Can the therapeutic effects of temozolomide be potentiated by stimulating AMP-activated protein kinase with olanzapine and metformin?
Kast R.E., Karpel-Massler G., Halatsch M.-E.
Br J Pharmacol 164 (5): 1393-1396 (2011). - Vertebroplasty combined with image-guided percutaneous cement-augmented transpedicular fixation for the treatment of complex vertebral fractures in osteoporotic patients.
Vougioukas V.I., Hubbe U., Kogias E., Deininger M.H., Weber J., Halatsch M.-E.
J Neurosurg Sci 54 (4): 135-141 (2010). - Congenital duplication of the superior sagittal sinus and parietal encephalocele after vaccuum extraction delivery.
Neumann J.-O., Herweh C., Halatsch M.-E.
Acta Neurochir 152 (4): 713-716 (2010). - Candidate genes for sensitivity and resistance of human glioblastoma multiforme cell lines to erlotinib.
Halatsch M.-E., Löw S., Mursch K., Hielscher T., Schmidt U., Unterberg A., Vougioukas V.I., Feuerhake F.
J Neurosurg 111 (2): 211-218 (2009). - An ultrasound study of brain tissue biomechanics in patients following craniectomy.
Trnovec S., Halatsch M.-E., Behnke-Mursch J., Mursch K.
NeuroRehabilitation 24 (3): 267-271 (2009). - Novel oncogene amplifications in tumors from a family with Li-Fraumeni syndrome.
Rieber J., Remke M., Hartmann C., Korshunov A., Burkhardt B., Mechtersheimer G., Wittmann A., Blattmann C., Witt O., Behnisch W., Halatsch M.-E., Orakcioglu B., Von Deimling A., Lichter P., Kulozik A., Pfister S.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer 48: 558-568 (2009). - Self-help activities of brain tumour patients and their relatives.
Schröter S., Halatsch M.-E., Behnke-Mursch J., Mursch K.
Cent Eur Neurosurg 70: 21-26 (2009). - Characteristics of thoraco-lumbar intramedullary subependymomas.
Orakcioglu B., Schramm P., Kohlhof P., Aschoff A., Unterberg A., Halatsch M.-E.
J Neurosurg Spine 10 (1): 54-59 (2009). - Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway gene expressions and biological response of glioblastoma multiforme cell lines to erlotinib.
Halatsch M.-E., Löw S., Hielscher T., Schmidt U., Unterberg A., Vougioukas V.I.
Anticancer Res 28 (6A): 3725-3728 (2008). - Pathogenetic pathways leading to glioblastoma multiforme: Association between gene expressions and resistance to erlotinib.
Löw S., Vougioukas V.I., Hielscher T., Schmidt U., Unterberg A., Halatsch M.-E.
Anticancer Res 28 (6A): 3729-3732 (2008). - Intracranial dermoid cysts: variations of diagnostic and clinical features.
Orakcioglu B., Halatsch M.-E., Fortunati M., Unterberg A., Yonekawa Y.
Acta Neurochir 150 (12): 1227-1234 (2008). - Minimally-invasive approach for the treatment of lateral lumbar disc herniations. Technique and results.
Kogias E., Vougioukas V.I., Hubbe U., Halatsch M.-E.
Minim Invasive Neurosurg 50 (3): 160-162 (2007). - Occipital giant encephalocele.
Lettau M., Halatsch M.-E., Hähnel S.
RoFo 179 (9): 971-973 (2007). - Lumbar subdural haematoma after temporomesial resection in epilepsy patients – report of two cases and review of the literature.
Mursch K., Halatsch M.-E., Steinhoff B.J., Behnke-Mursch J.
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 109 (5): 442-445 (2007). - Uniform MDM2 overexpression in a panel of glioblastoma multiforme cell lines with divergent EGFR and p53 expression status.
Halatsch M.-E., Schmidt U., Unterberg A., Vougioukas V.I.
Anticancer Res 26 (6B): 4191-4194 (2006). - Intrinsic brainstem tumours in adults: results of microneurosurgical treatment in 16 consecutive patients.
Mursch K., Halatsch M.-E., Markakis E., Behnke-Mursch J.
Br J Neurosurg 19 (2): 128-136 (2005). - Symmetric intracerebral and intracerebellar calcification („Fahr’s Disease“).
Schmidt U., Mursch K., Halatsch M.-E.
Funct Neurol 20 (1): 15 (2005) - Combination treatment of glioblastoma cell lines with the anti-malarial artesunate and the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor OSI-774.
Efferth T., Ramirez T., Gebhart E., Halatsch M.-E.
Biochem Pharmacol 67 (9): 1689-1700 (2004). - Inverse correlation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mRNA induction and suppression of anchorage-independent growth by OSI-774, an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in glioblastoma multiforme cell lines.
Halatsch M.-E., Gehrke E.E., Vougioukas V.I., Bötefür I.C., A.-Borhani F., Efferth T., Domhof S., Schmidt U., Buchfelder M.
J Neurosurg 100 (3): 523-533 (2004) und Neurosurg Focus 16 (2): Preview Article (2004) - EGFR but not PDGFR-β expression correlates to the antiproliferative effect of growth factor withdrawal in glioblastoma multiforme cell lines.
Halatsch M.-E., Gehrke E.E., A.-Borhani F., Efferth T., Werner C., Schmidt U., Buchfelder M.
Anticancer Res 23 (3B): 2315-2320 (2003). - Molecular modes of action of artesunate in tumor cell lines.
Efferth T., Sauerbrey A., Olbrich A., Gebhart E., Rauch P., Weber H.O., Hengstler J.G., Halatsch M.-E., Volm M., Tew K.D., Ross D.D., Funk J.-O.
Mol Pharmacol 64 (2): 382-394 (2003). - Specific patterns of DNA copy number gains and losses in eight new glioblastoma multiforme cell lines.
Ramirez T., Thoma K., Taja-Chayeb L., Efferth T., Herrera L.A., Halatsch M.-E., Gebhart E.
Int J Oncol 23 (2): 453-460 (2003). - Molecular modes of action of cephalotaxine and homoharringtonine from the coniferous tree Cephalotaxus hainanensis in human tumor cell lines.
Efferth T., Sauerbrey A., Halatsch M.-E., Ross D.D., Gebhart E.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 367 (1): 56-67 (2003). - Overexpression of deletion-mutant epidermal growth factor receptor is associated with altered genotoxic stress-provoked p53 mRNA induction in a human glioblastoma cell line.
Halatsch M.-E., Schmidt U., Bötefür I.C., Ohnuma T.
Anticancer Res 21 (1A): 189-195 (2001). - Marked inhibition of glioblastoma target cell tumorigenicity in vitro by retrovirus-mediated transfer of a hairpin ribozyme against deletion-mutant epidermal growth factor receptor messenger RNA.
Halatsch M.-E., Schmidt U., Bötefür I.C., Holland J.F., Ohnuma T.
J Neurosurg 92 (2): 297-305 (2000) und Neurosurg Focus 8 (4): Gene Therapy (2000) - Phenoprocoumon, head trauma and delayed intracerebral haemorrhage.
Halatsch M.-E., Markakis E.
Funct Neurol 14 (3): 155-157 (1999). - Differential activation of the c-Ki-ras-2 proto-oncogene in human colorectal carcinoma.
Halatsch M.-E., Hirsch-Ernst K.I., Weinel R.J., Kahl G.F.
Anticancer Res 18 (4A): 2323-2326 (1998). - Increased expression of α6-integrin receptors and of mRNA encoding the putative 37 kDa laminin receptor precursor in pancreatic carcinoma.
Halatsch M.-E., Hirsch-Ernst K.I., Kahl G.F., Weinel R.J.
Cancer Lett 118 (1): 7-11 (1997). - Progression of arteriovenous malformation in moyamoya syndrome.
Halatsch M.-E., Rustenbeck H.-H., Jansen J.
Acta Neurochir 139 (1): 82-85 (1997). - Cleavage of human dihydrofolate reductase RNA by a hairpin ribozyme.
Kobayashi H., Halatsch M.-E., Takemura Y., Sekiguchi S, Ohnuma T.
J Natl Def Med Coll 21 (2): 99-102 (1996). - Specificity of ribozyme designed for mutated DHFR mRNA.
Kobayashi H., Kim N., Halatsch M.-E., Ohnuma T.
Biochem Pharmacol 47 (9): 1607-1613 (1994). - Frequent loss of expression of the potential tumor suppressor gene DCC in ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Höhne M.W., Halatsch M.-E., Kahl G.F., Weinel R.J.
Cancer Res 52 (9): 2616-2619 (1992).