Chefarzt, Leiter Orthopädische Tumorchirurgie
Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Leiter Sarkomzentrum

Facharzt für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates
Ausbildungsstellen und klinische Tätigkeit
seit 2019
Chair Swiss Sarcoma Network
seit 2018
Gründungsmitglied und Leiter Sarkomzentrum
Kantonsspital Winterthur
seit 2017
Chefarzt und Leiter
Orthopädische Tumorchirurgie
Kantonsspital Winterthur
seit 2017
Gründungsmitglied und Senior Consultant
Sarkomboard und Sarkomzentrum
Universitätsspital Zürich
2012 – 2017
Gründungsmitglied und Leiter
Sarkomzentrum und Konsiliarius
Universitätsspital Zürich
2005 – 2016
Orthopädische Forschung
Universitätsklinik Balgrist
2005 – 2016
Leitender Arzt
Universitätsklinik Balgrist
Universitätsklinik Balgrist
2000 – 2004
Graduate School in Biomedical Sciences
Molecular and Tumor Biology
Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester USA
1998 – 2000
Musculoskeletal Oncology
Mayo Clinic, Rochester USA
1996 – 1998
Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Universitätsklinik Balgrist und Inselspital Bern
1993 – 1995
Allgemeine Chirurgie und Neurochirurgie
Abklärung und Behandlung von Knochen- und Weichteiltumoren am Muskuloskelettalen System:
- Begleitung und Führung von Patienten mit Knochen- und Weichteiltumoren
- Koordination und Management von Patienten innerhalb der Disziplinen im Rahmen des Sarkomboards
- Durchführung von Biopsien jeglicher Art in Zusammenarbeit mit den Radiologen
- Operative Entfernung sowie Rekonstruktion von gut- und bösartigen Knochentumoren des Muskuloskelettalen Systems (inkl. Osteosarkom, Ewing’s Sarkom, und Chondrosarkom) von Kindern und Erwachsenen
- Operative Entfernung und wenn nötig Rekonstruktion von gut- und bösartigen Tumoren der Weichteile von Kindern und Erwachsenen (Muskelgewebe, Fettgewebe, Gefässe und Nerven etc) des Muskuloskelettalen Systems (inkl. pleomorphe Sarkome; Liposarkome etc)
Abschluss (Tumor-)Molekularbiologie Studium
Mayo Graduate School
United States Medical Licensing Examination
Abschluss Medizin Studium
Medizinische Fakultät Zürich
Akademische Stellung
Akademische Aktivitäten
- Drittmittel Grants
Insgesamt mehr als 10 Mio sFr (u.a. von EuroNanoMed) - Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
- HSM Programm for Muskuloskelettale Onkologie des Kantons Zürich (Zürcher Krebsliga)
- Reviewer für SNF (Schweizerische, Deutsche und Zürcher Krebsliga, sowie mehr als 40 internationale perr-reviewed Journals seit 2008 (u.a. Nature, Cancer Research; J Cell Mol Medicine; J Nuclear Medicine)
Präsentationen seit 2008
- 132 an nationalen Meetings
- 51 an internationalen Meetings
- 59 eingeladene Präsentationen
Diplome und Ernennungen
Universität Zürich
Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Zürich
Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Zürich
Facharzt FMH
Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates
PhD Dissertation
Biomedical Sciences and Tumor Biology
Mayo Graduate School, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester USA
Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopedics
Mayo Clinic, Rochester USA
Department of Orthopedics
Mayo Clinic, Rochester USA
MD Dissertation
Universität Zürich
Maurice E.Müller Research Prize
presented at the 75th Meeting
For the study: „Prognostic Value and In-vitro Biological Relevance of Neuropilin 1 and Neuropilin-2 in Osteosarcoma“
Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgeons (SwissOrthopaedics)
Basel, Switzerland
Basic Research Award 2012
For the study on: „Cyr61 indicates Poor Survival in Osteosarcoma Patients and Promotes Intratibial Xenograft Primary Tumor Growth and Lung Metastasis in Mice“
Swiss Bone and Mineral Research Society (SBMS)
Travelling Fellowship Award (student) of the International Skeletal Society (ISS)
For the Special Scientific Session and for the study: „Evaluation of the Diagnostic Power of Six PET Tracers in an Orthotopic Intratibial Osteosarcoma Mouse Model“
Meeting in San Diego, CA USA
Best Presentation at the 14th Annual Meeting
For the study: „Cyr61 Expression in Human Osteosarcoma Correlates with Tumor Metastasis“
Swiss Bone and Mineral Society
Davos, Switzerland
The 2008/2009 Limb Preservation Foundation Pilot Research Grant Award
For the study: „Assessment of Intraarterial Chemotherapy in an Osteosarcoma Mouse Model of Spontaneous Metastasis.“
The Limb Preservation Foundation, Denver, USA
1st Place and Best “First Time Presentation of a Resident”
For the study: „Rare Diaphyseal Lesions of the Ulna: Surgical Treatment Considerations“
Swiss Orthopedic Society
Montreux, Switzerland
EW.Johnson Award of the Mid-America Orthopaedic Association
For the study: „Operative Management of Sacro-coccygeal Chordoma“
Fellowship Award (EFORT-ZIMMER AWARD)
For Orthopaedic Surgery
Offered by the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and Zimmer
Young Investigator Career Development
Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgeons
Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgeons
Swiss Radiological Society
Painful Lumbar Disc Derangement: Relevance of Endplate Abnormalities at MR imaging
Patrick J.KELLY Basic Research Award (special fellows category) of the Department of Orthopedics
For the study: „Development of Genetic Landmarks for Comparative Expression Genomics of Osteogenic Sarcoma“
Mayo Clinic and Foundation
Charles S. NEER Award (Clinical Category)
for the study: „The Clinical and Structural Results of Direct Repair of Massive Tears of the Rotator Cuff“
American Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ASES
- SwissOrthopaedics
- FMH (Foederatio Medici Helveticorum)
- Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Alumni Association
- IVINS Society; FH-Sim Society
- CTOS (Connective Tissue Oncology Society)
- MSTS (Musculoskeletal Tumor Society)
- EMSOS (European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society)
- ISS (International Skeletal Society)
- Swiss MD-PhD Society
(Stand Oktober 2022: H-index 36; citations 5225; Google scholar)
- B. Fuchs, D. Weishaupt, M. Zanetti, J. Hodler, C. Gerber. Fatty degeneration of
the muscles of the rotator cuff: Assessment by CT versus MR Imaging.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg Vol 6 Nov-Dec, 8:599-605, 1999 - B. Fuchs, K. Zhang, MG Rock, ME Bolander, G. Sarkar. Repeat cDNA synthesis and RT-PCR with the same source of RNA.
Molecular Biotechnology Vol 12:231-235, 1999 - B. Fuchs, K. Zhang, MG Rock, ME Bolander, G. Sarkar. High temperature
cDNA synthesis by AMV reverse transcriptase improves the specificity of PCR.
Molecular Biotechnology Vol 12:237-240, 1999 - B. Fuchs, B. Jost, C. Gerber. Posterior Inferior Capsular Shift for the Treatment of Recurrent, Voluntary Posterior Shoulder Subluxation.
J Bone Joint Surg-Am. 82A:16-25, 2000 - C. Gerber, B. Fuchs, J. Hodler. The Results of the Repair of Massive Tears of the Rotator Cuff.
J Bone Joint Surg-Am. 82A: 505-515, 2000 - B. Fuchs, K.Zhang, ME Bolander, G. Sarkar. Identification of differentially expressed genes by mutually subtracted RNA fingerprinting.
Analytical Biochem Nov 286(1):91-98, 2000 - B. Fuchs, K.Zhang, ME Bolander, G. Sarkar. Differential mRNA fingerprinting by preferential amplification of coding sequences.
Gene 258:155-163, 2000 - B. Fuchs, AM Davis, JS. Wunder, RS Bell, BA Masri, B. Isler, R. Turcotte, MG Rock. Sciatic nerve resection in the thigh: A functional evaluation
Clin Orthop 382: 34-41, 2001 - D. Weishaupt, M.Zanetti, Hodler J, K.Min, B. Fuchs, CW Pfirrmann, N. Boos. Painful lumbar disk derangement: Relevance of endplate abnormalities at MR imaging.
Radiology 218(2):420-427, 2001 - B.Fuchs, K.Zhang, A.Schabel, ME Bolander, G.Sarkar: Identification of twenty-two candidate genetic markers for osteogenic sarcoma
Gene 278:245-252, 2001 - B.Fuchs, MJ.Yaszemski, FH.Sim: Resection of the Posterior Pelvis and Lumbar Spine for Sarcoma.
Clin Orthop 397:12-18, 2002 - Todd LT, Yaszemski MJ, Currier BL, Fuchs B, Kim CW, MB.Dekutoski, Sim FH. Bowel and Bladder Function following Major Sacral Resection.
Clin Orthop 397:36-39, 2002 - Talac R, Yaszemski MJ, Currier BL, Fuchs B, Dekutoski MB, Kim CW, Sim FH. Relationship between surgical margins and local recurrence in sarcomas of the spine.
Clin Orthop 397:127-32, 2002 - B.Fuchs, DJ.Pritchard. Etiology of Osteosarcoma.*
Clin Orthop 397:40-52, 2002
*specifically noted as highlight in editorial comment: Clin Orthop 397:2, 2002 - B.Fuchs, MI.O’Connor, KR.Kaufman, DJ Padgett, FH.Sim. Iliofemoral arthrodesis and Pseudarthrosis: A functional long-term outcome evaluation.
Clin Orthop 397:29-35, 2002 - K.Zhang, N.Dion, B.Fuchs, T.Damron, S.Gitelis, R.Irwin, M.O’Connor, H.Schwartz, SP.Scully, MG.Rock, ME.Bolander, G.Sarkar. The hSEP1 is a novel candidate tumor suppressor gene in osteogenic sarcoma.
Gene 298:121-127, 2002 - B.Fuchs, U.Knothe, R.Hertel, R.Ganz. Femoral Osteotomy and Iliac Graft Vascularization for Femoral Head Osteonecrosis.
Clin Orthop 412:84-93, 2003 - B.Fuchs, C.Inwards, R.Janknecht. Upregulation of the matrix metalloproteinase- gene by the Ewing’s sarcoma associated EWS-ER81 and EWS-Fli1 oncoproteins, c-Jun and p300.
FEBS Letters 553:104-108, 2003 - B.Fuchs, R.Valenzuela, FH.Sim. Pathologic Fracture as a Complication in the Treatment of Ewing’s Sarcoma.
Clin Orthop 415: 25-30, 2003
*specifically highlighted in editorial comment: Clin Orthop 415:2-3, 2003 - B.Fuchs, BR.Kotajarvi, K.Kaufman, FH.Sim. Functional Outcome of Patients with Rotationplasty about the knee.
Clin Orthop 415: 52-58, 2003
*specifically highlighted in editorial comment: Clin Orthop 415:2-3, 2003 - B.Fuchs, R.Valenzuela, CS. Arndt, IA.Petersen, FH.Sim. Ewing’s sarcoma and the Development of Secondary Malignancies.
Clin Orthop 415: 82-89, 2003
*specifically highlighted in editorial comment: Clin Orthop 415:2-3, 2003 - B.Fuchs, R.Valenzuela, C.Inwards, FH.Sim, MG.Rock: Complications in Long-term Survivors of Ewing’s sarcoma.
Cancer 98(12):2687-92, 2003 - B.Fuchs, C.Inwards, R.Janknecht: VEGF expression is Upregulated by EWS-ETS Oncoproteins and Sp1 and may Represent an Independent Predictor of Survival in Ewing’s sarcoma.
Clin Cancer Res 10:1344-1353, 2004 - EY.Chao, B.Fuchs, CM.Rowland, DM.Illstrup, DJ.Pritchard, FH.Sim. Long-term Results of Segmental Prosthesis Fixation by Extra-Cortical Bone Bridging and Ingrowth.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:948-955, 2004 - B.Fuchs, FH.Sim. Rotationplasty about the Knee: Surgical Technique and Anatomical Considerations.
Clin Anat 17(4):345-353, 2004 - B.Fuchs, C.Inwards, SP.Scully, R.Janknecht. hTERT is Highly Expressed in Ewing’s Sarcoma and Activated by EWS-ETS Oncopoteins.
Clin Orthop 426:64-68, 2004 - I.Dickey, P.Rose, B.Fuchs, D., Okuno, S, Wold L, FH.Sim, SP.Scully. Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma: Updated Ouctomes with Current Treatment Approaches.
J Bone Joint Surg 86-Am 11:2412-2418, 2004 - FH.Sim, B.Fuchs, DJ.Jacofsky. Innovations in Musculoskeletal Oncologic Surgery over the Year 2000.
Chir Organi Mov 89(3):181-190, 2004 - B. Fuchs, RT.Trousdale, MG. Rock. Solitary Bony Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma: Significance of Surgical Treatment.
Clin Orthop 431:187-192, 2005 - B.Fuchs, SP.Steinmann, AT.Bishop: Free Vascularized Corticoperiosteal Bone Graft for the Treatment of Persistent Nonunion of the Clavicle.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 14(3):264-268, 2005 - B.Fuchs, MI.O’Connor, DJ.Padget, KR.Kaufman, FH.Sim: Arthrodesis of the Shoulder after Tumor Resection
Clin Orthop 436:202-207, 2005 - B.Fuchs, ID.Dickey, MJ.Yaszemski, C.Inwards, FH.Sim. Operative Management of Sacral Chordoma
J Bone Joint Surg 87-Am 10:2211-2216, 2005 - ID.Dickey, RR.Hugate, B.Fuchs, MJ.Yaszemski, FH.Sim: Reconstruction after Total Sacrectomy: Early Experience with a New Surgical Technique
Clin Orthop 438:42-50, 2005 - B.Fuchs, RJ.Spinner, MG.Rock: MPNST Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors: An update
J Surg Orthop Adv 14:168-174, 2005 - B.Fuchs, MK.Gilbart, J.Hodler, C.Gerber: The Clinical and Structural Results of Open Repair of an Isolated One-tendon Tear of the Rotator Cuff.
J Bone Joint Surg 88-Am 2:309-316, 2006 - SF.Fucentese, A.von Roll, PP.Koch, DR.Epari, B.Fuchs, PB.Schoettle: The Patella Morphology in Trochlear Dysplasia – A Comparative MRI Study.
Knee 13:145-150, 2006 - A. Srivastava*, B.Fuchs*, K.Zhang, M.Ruan, C.Halder, E.Mahlum, K.Weber, ME.Bolander, G.Sarkar: High WT1 Expression is Associated with poor survival of patients with Osteogenic sarcoma metastasis.
Clin Cancer Res 12(14): 4237-4243, 2006*Co-First-Authorship - C.Ossendorf, B.Fuchs, P.Koch: Femoral Stress Fracture after Computer Navigated Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Knee 13(5):397-399, 2006 - F.Mueller, B.Fuchs, B.Kaser: Comparative Biology of Human and Canine Osteosarcoma
Anticancer Res 27(1A):155-164, 2007 - D.Walters, R.Muff, B.Langsam, P.Gruber, W.Born, Fuchs B: Taurolidine: A novel Anti-neoplastic Agent induces Apoptosis of Osteosarcoma Cell Lines.
Invest New Drugs 25(4):305-12, 2007 - B.Fuchs, E.Mahlum, C.Halder, A.Maran, M.Yaszemski, B.Bode, M.Bolander, G.Sarkar: High Expression of Tumor Endothelial Marker 7 is associated with Metastasis and poor Survival of Patients with Osteogenic Sarcoma.
Gene 399(2):137-143, 2007 - R.Muff, N.Nigg, P.Gruber, D.Walters, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Altered Morphology, Nuclear Stability and Adhesion of Highly Metastatic Derivatives of Osteoblast-like SaOS-2 Osteosarcoma Cells
Anticancer Res 27(6B): 3973-3979, 2007 - N.Bodmer, DK.Walters, B.Fuchs: Pemetrexed, a Multitargeted Antifolate Drug, Demonstrates Lower Efficacy in Comparison to Methotrexate against Osteosarcoma Cell Lines.
Pediatr Blood Cancer 50(4):905-8, 2008 - K.Husmann, R.Muff, W.Born, ME.Bolander, G.Sarkar, B.Fuchs: Cathepsins and Osteosarcoma: Expression Analysis identifies Cathepsin K as a Prognostic Indicator of Metastasis.
Mol Carcinog 47:66-73, 2008 - HA.Ruediger, B.Fuchs, A.von Campe, C.Gerber: Measurements of Shoulder Mobility by Patient and Surgeon Correlate Poorly: A Prospective Study.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 17(2):255-60, 2008 - DK.Walters, P.Steinmann, B.Langsam, S.Schmutz, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Identification of Potential Chemoresistance Genes in Osteosarcoma
Anticancer Res 28:673-80, 2008 - DK.Walters, R.Muff, B.Langsam, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Cytotoxic Effects of Curcumin on Osteosarcoma Cell Lines
Invest New Drugs 26:289-97, 2008 - B.Fuchs, C.Ossendorf, T.Leerapun, FH.Sim: Intercalary Segmental Reconstruction for Bone Defects.
Europ J Surgical Oncol 34(12):1271-6, 2008 - B.Fuchs, M.Zumstein, F.Regenfelder, P.Steinmann, T.Fuchs, K.Husmann, J.Hellermann, B.Jost, J.Hodler, W.Born, C.Gerber. Upregulation of alpha-skeletal muscle actin and myosin heavy polypeptide gene products in degenerating rotator cuff muscles.
J Orthop Res 26:1007-11, 2008 - C.Ossendorf, GM.Studer, B.Bode, B.Fuchs: Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma: Case Presentation and a Systematic Review
Clin Orthop Rel Res 466:1485-1491, 2008 - S.Schmutz, T.Fuchs, F.Regenfelder, P.Steinmann, M.Zumstein, B.Fuchs. Expression of Atrophy mRNA relates to Tendon Tear Size in Supraspinatus Muscle.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 467(2):457-464, 2009 - E.Frey, F.Regenfelder, P.Sussmann, M.Zumstein, C.Gerber, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Adipogenic and Myogenic Gene Expression in Rotator Cuff Muscle of the Sheep after Tendon Tear.
J Orthop Res 27(4):504-509, 2009 - B.Fuchs, N.Hoekzema, D.Larson, C.Inwards, FH.Sim: Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis: Outcome Analysis of Surgical Treatment.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 467(2):510-518, 2009 - J.Yuan, C.Ossendorf, JP.Szatkowski, J.Bronk, A.Maran, M.Yaszemski, ME.Bolander, G.Sarkar, B.Fuchs: Osteoblastic and Osteolytic Human Osteosarcomas can be studied with a New Xenograft Mouse Model Producing Spontaneous Metastases
Cancer Invest 27(4):435-42, 2009 - R.Hudek, S.Schmutz, F.Regenfelder, B.Fuchs, PP.Koch. Novel Measurement Technique of the Tibial Slope on Conventional MRI.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 467:2066-72, 2009 - B.Fuchs, W.Born. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Osteosarcoma Metastasis: Current Knowledge and Perspectives (Review)
Current Orthopaedic Practice 20(6):593-597, 2009 - C.Halder, C.Ossendorf, A.Maran, M.Yaszemski, B.Fuchs, G.Sarkar. Preferential Expression of the Secreted and the Membrane Forms of Tumor Endothelial Marker 7 Transcripts in Osteosarcoma.
Anticancer Res 29(11):4317-22, 2009 - C. Ossendorf, GU.Exner, B.Fuchs. A New Incision Technique to Reduce Tibiofemoral Mismatch in Rotationplasty.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 468:1264-1268, 2010 - P.Zwolak, P.Kuehnel, B.Fuchs. Extra-articular Knee Resection for Sarcomas with Preservation of the Extensor Mechanism: Surgical Considerations and Review of Cases
Clin Orthop Rel Res 469:251-256, 2011 - A.Krieg, F.Hefti, B.Speth, L.Guillou, G.Jundt, U.Exner, A.v.Hochstetter, M.Cserhati, B.Fuchs, E.Moushine, A.Kaelin, F.Klenke, K.Siebenrock. Synovial Sarcomas usually Metastasize after > five Years: A Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis with Minimum Followup of 10 Years for Survivors
Annals of Oncology 22(2):458-67, 2011 - PP.Koch, B.Fuchs, DC. Meyer, SF.Fucentese. Closing Wedge Patellar Osteotomy in Combination with Trochleoplasty.
Acta Orthop Belg 77(1):116-121, 2011 - MJE. Arlt, IJ. Banke, DK. Walters, G. Puskas, P. Steinmann, R. Muff, W. Born, B. Fuchs. LacZ Transgene Expression in the Subcutaneous Dunn / LM8 Osteosarcoma Mouse Model Allows for the Identification of Micrometastasis
J Orthop Res 29(6):938-46, 2011 - R.Hudek, B.Fuchs, F.Regenfelder, PP.Koch. Is Non-contact ACL Injury Associated with the Posterior Tibial and Meniscal Slope?
Clin Orthop Rel Res 469:2377-84, 2011 - B.Fuchs: Current Trends in Musculoskeletal Oncology
Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie 3:22-24, 2011 - P.Steinmann, DK.Walters, MA.Arlt, I.Banke, U.Ziegler, B.Langsam, J.Arbiser, R.Muff, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Antimetastatic Activity of Honokiol in Osteosarcoma.
Cancer 118(8):2117-27, 2012 - A.Sabile, M.Arlt, R.Muff, B.Bode, B.Langsam, J.Bertz, T.Jentzsch, G.Puskas, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Cyr61 indicates Poor Survival in Osteosarcoma Patients and Promotes Intratibial Xenograft Primary Tumor Growth and Lung Metastasis in Mice.
J Bone Mineral Res 27(1):58-67, 2012 - MJE. Arlt, DK. Walters, IP.Banke, P. Steinmann, GJ. Puskas, J.Bertz, K.Rentsch, F.Ehrensperger, W. Born, B. Fuchs. The Antineoplastic Antibiotic Taurolidine Promotes Lung and Liver Metastases in Two Syngeneic Osteosarcoma Mouse Models and Exhibits Severe Liver Toxicity.
Int J Cancer 131(5):E804-12, 2012 doi: 10.1002/ijc.27378 - M.Betz, C.Dumont, B.Fuchs, GU.Exner. Epiphyseal Distraction for Joint Preservation in Malignant Metaphyseal Bone Tumors in Children.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 470(6):1749-54, 2012 - K.Reidy, C.Campanile, R.Muff, W.Born, B.Fuchs. mTHPC-mediated Photodynamic Therapy is Effective in the Metastatic Human 143B Osteosarcoma Cells.
Photochemistry and Photobiology 88(3):721-7, 2012 - M.Erschbamer, B.Bode, FM.Buck, B.Fuchs. A Rare Periosteal Diaphyseal Lesions of the Ulna.
Open Orthop J 6:8-10, 2012 - K.Modaressi, F.Niggli, B.Fuchs. Strategisches Vorgehen bei Verdacht auf Knochensarkom.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Onkologie SZO 2: 12-17, 2012 - K.Berndt, J.Vogel, C.Bühler, P.Vogt, W.Born, B.Fuchs. A New Method for Repetitive Drug Infusion into the Femoral Artery of Mice.
J Am Assoc Lab Animal Science 51(6):825-31, 2012 - G.Studer, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Extremitäten-Weichteilsarkom des Erwachsenen: Stellenwert der Radiotherapie
Info @ Onkologie 02:14-17, 2012 - MJE.Arlt, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Taurolidine: Mode of Administration in Mouse Tumor Models
Int J Cancer 131(5):E1053-4, 2012 doi:10.1002/ijc.27569 - K.Modaressi, B.Fuchs. Die Chirurgische Behandlung von Sarkomen
Leading Opinions Hämatologie & Onkologie 2:74-76, 2012 - M.Arlt, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Improving Visualization of Lung Metastases by Combining X-Gal Staining of LacZ-tagged Tumor Cells with In-situ Perfusion and Fixation of the Lung Tissue
J Vis Exp (66):e4162, 2012 DOI 10.3791/4162 - R.Muff, R.Kumar, S.Botter, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Genes Regulated in Metastatic Osteosarcoma: Evaluation by Microarray Analysis in Four Human and Two Mouse Cell Line Systems.
Sarcoma 2012; 2012:937506 DOI 10.1155/2012/937506 - M.Glanzmann, B.Fuchs, H.Schwyzer. Chronische Ellbogenschmerzen einer Volleyballerin.
Arthroskopie 1-4, 2012 DOI 10.1007/s00142-012-0711-2 - A.Gvozdenovic, MJE. Arlt, C.Campanile, P.Brennecke, K.Husmann, Y. Li, W.Born, R.Muff, B.Fuchs. CD44 Enhances Tumor Formation and Lung Metastasis in Experimental Osteosarcoma and is an Additional Predictor for Poor Patients’ Outcome.
J Bone Min Res 28(4):838-47, 2013 - K.Husmann, MJE.Arlt, R.Muff, B.Langsam, J.Bertz, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 promotes Tumor Formation and Lung Metastasis in an Intratibial Injection Osteosarcoma Mouse Model.
BBA Molecular Basis of Disease 1832(2):347-54, 2013 - T.Jentzsch, M.Erschbamer, F.Seeli, B.Fuchs. Extensor Function After Medial Gastrocnemius Flap Reconstruction of the Proximal Tibia.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 471(7):2333-9, 2013 - C.Campanile, M.Arlt, A.Gvozdenovic, P.Brennecke, A.Sabile, M.Honer, C.Fischer, A.Mueller, S. Ametamey, S.Krämer, R.Schibli, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Characterization of Different Osteosarcoma Phenotypes by PET Imaging in Preclinical Animal Models
J Nuclear Medicine 54(8):1362-8, 2013 - K.Modaressi, B.Fuchs, P.Bode, R.Sutter, M.Decurtins, U.Weber. Osteoblastoma of the Ilium mimicking sacroiliitis.
Arthritis Rheum 65(6):1674, 2013 - A.Gozdenovic, MJE.Arlt, C.Campanile, P.Brennecke, K.Husmann, W.Born, R.Muff, B.Fuchs: Silencing of CD44 Gene Expression in Human 143-B Osteosarcoma Cells Promotes Metastasis of Intratibial Tumors in SCID Mice
PLosOne 8(4):e60329, 2013 - K.Berndt, C.Campanile, R.Muff, E.Strehler, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Evaluation of Quercetin as a Potential Drug in Osteosarcoma Treatment.
Anticancer Res 33(4):1297-306, 2013 - A.Sabile, M.Arlt, R.Muff, B.Bode, B.Langsam, J.Bertz, T.Jentzsch, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Caprin1 promotes Metastasis in an Experimental Animal Model of Osteosarcoma.
BBA Molecular Basis of Disease 1832(8):1173-82, 2013 - S.Crivelli-Ochsner, B.Bode, Y.Nussbaumer-Ochsner, B.Fuchs. Giant Cell Angioblastoma in an Adult: A Unique Presentation.
Rare Tumors 5e27:98-100, 2013 - K.Modaressi, G.Studer, B.Bode, S.Hofer, B.Fuchs. Knochenmetastasen – Abklärung und Therapie. Schlaglicht Schweizerische Aertzte Zeitung, Frühjahr 2013.
Swiss Med Forum 13(2930):571-79, 2013 - K.Wieser, K.Modaressi, F.Seeli, B.Fuchs. Autologous Double-Barrel Vascularized Fibular Bone Graft for Arthrodesis of the Shoulder after Tumor Resection.
Archives Orthop Traumatol 133(9):1219-24, 2013 - P.Brennecke, MA Arlt, R.Muff, C.Campanile, A.Gvozdenovic, K.Husmann, N.Holzwarth, E.Cameroni, F.Ehrensperger, M.Thelen, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Expression of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR7 in CXCR4-Expressing Human 143B Osteosarcoma Cells Enhances Lung Metastases of Intratibial Xenografts in SCID Mice.
PLosOne 8(9):e74045, 2013 - MJE.Arlt, IJ.Banke, J.Bertz, R.Mohan, R.Muff, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Reduced Latency in the Metastatic Niche Contributes to the More Aggressive Phenotype of LM8 Compared to Dunn Osteosarcoma Cells.
Sarcoma 2013; 2013:404962 doi: 10.1155/2013/404962 - D.Meier, C.Campanile, S, Botter, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Cytotoxic Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy in osteosarcoma Cells in vitro.
J Vis Exp 2014 Mar 18; (85). Doi:10.3791/51213 - P.Brennecke, M.Arlt, K.Husmann, C.Campanile, A.Gvozdenovic, T.D’Apuzzo, M.Thelen, W.Born, B.Fuchs. CXCR4 Antibody Treatment Suppresses Metastatic Spread to the Lung of Intratibial Human Osteosarcoma Xenografts In Mice.
Clin Exp Metastasis 31(3):339-49, 2014 - C.Pauli, B.Fuchs, C.Pfirrmann, JA.Bridge, S.Hofer, B.Bode: Response of an Aggressive Periosteal Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC) of the Radius to Denosumab Therapy.
World J Surg Oncol 12(1): 17, 2014 Doi: 10.1186/1477-7819-12-17 (IF 1.092) - K.Modaressi, P.Giovanoli, P.Schneider, T.Sulser, C.Werner, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Rezidivierendes Rektumkarzinom: Sakrektomie mit kompletter dorsaler Exenteration.
Leading Opinions Orthopedics & Rheumatology 1/14:46-8, 2014 - S.Botter, D.Neri, B.Fuchs. Recent Advances in Osteosarcoma.
Curr Opin Pharmacol 16C:15-23, 2014 - NR.Datta, E.Puric, R.Schneider, B.Fuchs, S.Bodis, D.Weber. HYPROSAR: Hyperthermia and Proton Radiotherapy in Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
Leading Opinions Hämatologie & Onkologie 2:158-60, 2014 - M.Arlt, I.Banke, D.Walters, K.Berndt, E.Strehler, W.Born, B.Fuchs. The Use of LacZ-transduced Tumor Cells Enhances the Sensitivity of Micrometastasis Detection: A Comparative Study of Gemcitabine Treatment Efficacy in the Mouse LM8 Osteosarcoma Cell Model.
J Cancer Res Ther 2(6):89-95, 2014 - T.Jentzsch, B.Robl, M.Husmann, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Worse Prognosis of Osteosarcoma Patients expressing IGF-1 on a Tissue Microarray
Anticancer Res 34(8):3881-9, 2014 - RMR. Kumar, MM.Betz, B.Robl, W.Born, B.Fuchs. ΔNp63alpha Exerts Its Oncogenic Potential via Transcriptionally Regulating GLI2 in Osteosarcoma Cells.
BMC Cancer 14: 559, 2014 - M.Rimann, S.Laternser, A.Gvozdenovic, R.Muff, B.Fuchs, J.Kelm, U.Graf-Hausner. An In-vitro Osteosarcoma 3D Microtissue Model for Drug Development.
J Biotechnology 189C:129-135, 2014 - T.Jentzsch, B.Robl, M.Husmann, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Expression of MSH2 and MSH6 on a Tissue Microarray in Patients with Osteosarcoma.
Anticancer Res 34(12):6961-72, 2014 - B.Fuchs. Research and Development in Tumour Surgery: The Importance of Team Work.
Swiss Cancer Research Foundation 1:95-99, 2014 - R.Cathomas, C.Rothermundt, B.Bode, B.Fuchs, R.von Moos, M.Schwitter. RANK ligand Blockade with Denosumab in Combination with Sorafenib in Chemorefractory Osteosarcoma: a possible Step forward?
Oncology 88(4):257-60, 2015 - K.Husmann, M.Arlt, P.Jirkof, M.Arras, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Primary Tumour Growth in an Orthotopic Osteosarcoma Mouse Model Is Not Inflenced By Analgesic Treatment with Buprenorphine And Meloxicam.
Laboratory Animals 49(4):284-93, 2015 - B.Robl, C.Pauli, S.Botter, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Prognostic Value of Tumor Suppressors in Osteosarcoma Before and After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.
BMC Cancer 15(1):379- , 2015 - NR.Datta, R.Grobholz, E.Puric, B.Bode, N.Lomax, S.Khan, US. Gaipl, B.Fuchs, S.Bodis. Enhanced Tumour Regression in a Patient of Liposarcoma Treated with Radiotherapy and Hyperthermia: Hint for Dynamic Immunomodulation by Hperthermia.
Int J Hyperthermia 20:1-4, 2015 - A.Boro, M.Arlt, H.Lengnick, B.Robl, M.Husmann, J.Bertz, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Prognostic Value and in-vitro Biological Relevance of Neuropilin 1 and Neuropilin 2 in Osteosarcoma.
Am J Translational Res 7(3):640-53, 2015 - T.Jentzsch, B.Fuchs. Therapie von Sarkomen.
InFo@Onkologie&Hämatologie 3(5):1-6, 2015 - G.Studer, M.Brown, B.Fuchs. Radiotherapie bei Weichteilsarkomen des Erwachsenen: Präoperative und Dosis-Volumen-konformierende Anwendung
InFo@Onkologie 2:13-15, 2015 - S.Hodel, F.Seeli, B.Fuchs. Demographische Analyse von Patienten mit Osteosarkom, Chondrosarkom, Ewing’s Sarkom von einem Sarkomzentrum in der Schweiz.
PRAXIS Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin 104(13):673-80, 2015 - R.Muff, P.Rath, R.Kumar, K.Husmann, W.Born, M.Baudis, B.Fuchs. Genomic Instability of Osteosarcoma Cell Lines during Long-term in vitro Culture.
PlosOne 10(5):e0125611, 2015 - R.Kumar, B.Fuchs. Hedgehog Signaling Inhibitors as Anti-cancer Agents in Osteosarcoma.
Cancers 7(2):784-94, 2015 - R.Kumar, M.Arlt, B.Robl, A.Kuzmanov, O.Neklyudova, K.Husmann, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Sunitinib Malate (SU-11248) Reduces Intratibial Tumour Burden And Lung Metastasis In a Preclinical Mouse Model Of Osteosarcoma.
Am J Cancer Res 5(7):2156-68, 2015 - K.Husmann, P.Ducommun, A.Sabile, E.Pedersen, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Signal Transduction and Downregulation of C-Met in HGF-stimulated Low and Highly Metastatic Human Osteosarcoma Cell Lines.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 464(4):1222-7, 2015 - B.Fuchs. Swiss National Sarcoma Advisory Board: Vorstellung des Schweizer Konsensus.
Leading Opinions Hämatologie&Onkologie 3(15):78-80, 2015 - D.Müller, B.Fuchs. Whoops Läsionen bei Weichteilsarkomen.
InFo@Onkologie&Hämatologie 8:26-29, 2015 - M.Ture, J.Barth, F.Angst, A.Aeschlimann, U.Schnyder, N.Zerkiebel, J.Perseus, C.Renner, P.Imesch, B.Fuchs, G.Huber, H.Walt, C.Martin-Soelch, J.Jenewein. Use of Inpatient Rehabilitation for Cancer patients in Switzerland: Who undergoes Cancer Rehabilitation?
Swiss Medical Weekly December 4, 2015 DOI 10.4414/smw.2015.14214 - A.Boro, D.Bauer, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Plasma Levels of MIRNA-155 as a Powerful Diagnostic Marker for Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma.
Am J Cancer Res 6(2):544-52, 2016 - R.Muff, S.Botter, K.Husmann, J.Tchinda, P.Selvam, F.Seeli-Maduz, B.Fuchs. Explant Culture of Sarcoma Patients’ Tissue.
Lab Invest DOI:10.1038 April 26, 2016 (IF 3.8)
doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2016.49. Epub 2016 Apr 25 / PMID: 27111283 - O.Neklyudova, M.Arlt, P.Brennecke, M.Thelen, A.Gvozdenovic, A.Kuzmanov, B.Robl, S.Botter, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Altered CXCL12 Expression Reveals a Dual Role of CXCR4 in Osteosarcoma Primary Tumor Growth and Metastasis.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol Epub ahead of print June 14 2016 (IF 3.141)
doi: 10.1007/s00432-016-2185-5. Epub 2016 Jun 14 / PMID: 27300512 - Daniel Burger, M.Pumberger, B.Fuchs. An Uncemented Spreading Stem for the Fixation in the Metaphyseal Femur: A Preliminary Report
Sarcoma May 15, 2016:7132838. Doi:10.1155/2016/7132838 (IF XY)
doi: 10.1155/2016/7132838. Epub 2016 May 15 / PMID: 27293377 - R.Kumar, A.Boro, B.Fuchs. Involvement and Clinical Apsects of microRNA in Osteosarcoma: A Review.
Int J Mol Sci 2016 Jun 3:17(6) (IF 3.257)
doi: 10.3390/ijms17060877 / PMID: 27271607 - A. Gvozdenovic, A.Boro, D.Meier, B.Bode-Lesniewska, W.Born, R.Muff, B.Fuchs. Targeting αvβ3 and αvβ5 Integrins Inhibits Pulmonary Metastasis in an Intratibial Xenograft Osteosarcoma Model.
Oncotarget 7(34):55141-55154, 2016 (IF 6.359)
doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.10461 / PMID: 27409827 - B.Robl, S.Botter, G.Pellegrini, O.Neklyudova, B.Fuchs. Evaluation of Intraarterial and Intravenous Cisplatin Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Metastatic Osteosarcoma using an Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Model.
J Exp Clin Cancer Res 35(1):113, 2016 (IF 4.357)
doi: 10.1186/s13046-016-0392-1 / PMID: 27421768 - T.Jentzsch, L.Vlachopoulos, P.Fürnstahl, D.Müller, B.Fuchs. Tumor Resection at the Pelvis using Three-dimensional Planning and Patient-specific Instruments: A Case Series.
World Journal of Surg Oncology 14(1):249, 2016 (IF 1.458)
doi: 10.1186/s12957-016-1006-2 / PMID: 27729037 - M.Scaglioni, N.Lindenblatt, A.Barth, B.Fuchs, W.Weder, P.Giovanoli. Free Fillet Flap Application to Cover Forequarter or Traumatic Aputation on an Upper Extremity: A Case Report.
Microsurgery 36(8):700-704, 2016
doi: 10.1002/micr.30124. Epub 2016 Oct 20 / PMID: 27762441 - A.Arteau, B.Fuchs. Complete Deltoid Resection in Infancy results in Normal Shoulder Function at Longterm Followup.
J Medical Case Reports 11(1):13, 2017 (IF 0.4)
doi: 10.1186/s13256-016-1132-z.PMID: 28086945 - D.Meier, S.Botter, C.Campanile, B.Robl, S.Gräfe, G.Pellegrini, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Foscan and Foslip based Photodynamic Therapy in Osteosarcoma in vitro and in Intratibial Mouse Models.
International J Cancer Dec 10 2016 doi:10.1002/jc.30572 (IF 5.531)
doi: 10.1002/ijc.30572 / PMID: 27943293 - B.Robl, SM.Botter, A.Boro, D.Meier, D.Neri, B.Fuchs. Evaluation of F8-TNF-alpha in Models of Early and Progressive Metasttic Osteosarocma.
Transl Oncol. 10(3):419-430, 2017
doi: 10.1016/j.tranon.2017.02.005. Epub 2017 Apr 25 / PMID: 28448958 - A.Gvozdenovic, A. Boro, W.Born, R.Muff, B.Fuchs: A Bispecific Antibody Targeting IGF-IR and EGFR has tumor and metastasis suppressive activity in an orthotopic xenograft osteosarcoma mouse model.
Am J Cancer Res 7(7):1435-1449, 2017
eCollection 2017 / PMID: 28744395 - B.Fuchs. CORR Insights: Micrometastatic Drug Screening Platform Shows Heterogenous Response to MAP Chemotherapy in Osteosarcoma Cell Lines.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 476(7):1412-1414, 2018
doi: 10.1097/01.blo.0000540061.16243.f9 / PMID: 29889114 - JCF.Wilburger, C.Kettelhack, B.Fuchs, DJ.Schaefer, R.Osinga. Giant Myxoid Liposarcoma of the Gluteal Region: Case Report of Patient Caused Delay of Surgical Treatment ad Review of the Literature.
J Surg Case Rep. doi:10.1093, Oct 08, 2018
doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjy265. eCollection 2018 Oct / PMID: 30310650 - G.Studer, C.Glanzmann, F.Maduz, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Preoperative IMRT for Soft-tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities and Trunk: Low Rate of Wound Complications.
Current Orthopaedic Practice 29(5):466-470, 2018 - B.Fuchs, A.Krieg, C.Kettelhack, G.Studer, B.Bode, and the SwissSarcomaNetwork. Behandlung von Primären Knochentumoren am Becken.
InFo Onkologie Hämatologie 8-12, 2018 ( - B.Fuchs, A.Krieg, C.Kettelhack, B.Bode, G.Studer, and the SwissSarcomaNetwork. Sakropelvine Osteotomie für die Typ-I-Resektion von Knochentumoren am Becken.
Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologe 4:70-73, 2018 - MJ.Arlt, A.Kuzmanov, J.Snedeker, B.Fuchs, U.Silvan, A.Sabile. Fascin-1 enhances experimental osteosarcoma tumor formation and metastasis and is related to poor patient outcome.
BMC Cancer 19(1):83, 2019
doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-5303-3 / PMID: 30654764 - Beata Bode-Lesniewska, Christine Fritz, Gerhard U. Exner, Ulrich Wagner, Bruno Fuchs. EWSR1-NFATC2 and FUS-NFATC2 gene fusion associated mesenchymal tumors – clinicopathologic correlation and literature review.
Sarcoma 2019;2019:9386390
doi: 10.1155/2019/9386390. eCollection 2019 / PMID: 31049020 - A.Najafi, B.Fuchs, CA.Binkert: Mid-term results of MR-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment for relapsing superficial desmoids.
Int J Hyperthermia 36(1):538-542, 2019 - Studer G, Hofer S, Treumann T, Schweiwiller A, Bode-Lesniewska B, Diebold J, Fuchs B. Information zum überregionalen Schweizerischen Sarkom-Netzwerk (SSN).
Luzerner Arzt 2019 (118): 56-59 - Studer G, Treumann T, Hofer S, Bode B, Fuchs B. Work-up und präoperative Radiotherapie bei Weichteilsarkomen des Erwachsenen.
Schweizer Krebsbulletin, Band 39, Juni 2019, Seiten 121-124 - Fuchs B. Qualitätssicherung in der Behandlung von Sarkomen: Eine interdisziplinäre und interinstitutionelle Herausforderung. Editorial.
Schweizer Krebsbulletin, Band 39, Juni 2019, Seiten 99-101 - Krieg AH, Wirth C, Lenze U, Kettelhack C, Coslovsky M, Baumhoer D, Klenke F, Siebenrock K, Exner GU, Bode-Lesniewska B, Fuchs B, Cherix S, Hefti F. Extra-abdominal desmoid tumours – further evidence for the watchful waiting policy.
Swiss Medical Weekly 2019 Jul 24; 149: w20107. Doi: 10.4414/smw.2019.20107.
doi: 10.4414/smw.2019.20107. eCollection 2019 Jul 15 / PMID: 31340054 - B.Fuchs, G.Studer, B.Bode, S.Breitenstein. Swiss Sarcoma Network (SSN).
Swiss Knife 3:10-12, 2019 - J. Urdinez, A.Mazumdar, MJ.Arlt, R.Muff, S.Botter, B.Bode-Lesniewska, B.Fuchs, J.Snedeker, A.Gvozdenovic. The miR-143/145 Cluster, a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker in Chondrosarcoma, acts as a Tumor Suppressor and directly inhibits Fascin-1.
J Bone Miner Res 2020 35(6):1077-1091, 2020
doi: 10.1002/jbmr.3976. Epub 2020 Mar 10 / PMID: 32027760 - A.Mazumdar, J.Urdinez, A.Boro, J.Migliavacca, MJ.Arlt, B.Fuchs, J.Snedeker, A.Gvozdenovic. Osteosarcoma-derived extracellular Vesicles induce Lung Fibroblast Reprograming.
Int J Mol Sci 2020, 21(15):5451 DOI: 10.3390/ijms21155451.PMID:32751693
doi: 10.3390/ijms21155451 / PMID: 32751693 - M.Scaglioni, M.Meroni, E.Fritsche, B.Fuchs: Reply to: Real-time lymph flow projection mapping using near-infrared fluorescence.
J Surg Oncol 2020 Dec 17.
doi:10.1002/jso.26331 - B.Fuchs. B.Bode, G.Studer, S.Breitenstein. Wie entwickelt sich die Sarkomchirurgie?
Leading Opinions Hämatologie & Onkologie. 8:43-45, 2020 - Alekhya Mazumdar, Joaquin Urdinez, Aleksandar Boro, Matthias J.E. Arlt, Fabian E. Egli, Barbara Niederöst, Patrick K. Jaeger, Greta Moschini, Roman Muff, Bruno Fuchs, Jess G. Snedeker and Ana Gvozdenovic. Exploring the Role of Osteosarcoma-derived Extracellular Vesicles in Pre-metastatic Niche Formation and Metastasis in the 143-B Xenograft Mouse Osteosarcoma Model.
Cancers Nov 20; 12(11):3457, 2020.
doi 10.3390/cancers 12113457 - M.Scaglioni, M.Meroni, E.Fritsche, B.Fuchs: Reply to: Lymph interpositional flap transfer for upper thigh soft tissue and lymphatic reconstruction without lymphovenous anastomosis.
J Surg Oncol 2021 Feb; 123(2):700.
doi:10.1002/jso.26293 - SwissSarcomaNetwork (SSN) – Fakten und erste Zahlen zur Verbesserung der Qualität in der Behandlung von Patienten mit Sarkomen.
Luzerner Arzt 124:61-64, 2021 - Meier, Daniela; Lodberg, Andreas; Gvozdenovic, Ana; Pellegrini, Giovanni ; Neklyudova, Olga ; Born , Walter ; Fuchs, Bruno ; Eijken, Marco; Botter, Sander M.: „Inhibition of the Activin Receptor Signaling Pathway: A Novel Intervention against Osteosarcoma“
Cancer Med 10:286-296, 2021
doi: 10.1002/cam4.3581. Epub 2020 Nov 12 / PMID: 33179858 - MF.Scaglioni, M.Meroni, E.Fritsche, B.Fuchs. Combined pedicled superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator (SCIP) flap with lymphatic tissue preservation and lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA) for defect reconstruction and lymphedema-lymphocele prevention in thigh sarcoma surgery: Preliminary results.
J Surg Oncology 123(1):96-103, 2021
doi: 10.1002/jso.26228. Epub 2020 Sep 22 / PMID: 32964444 - Scaglioni MF, Meroni M, Fritsche E, Fuchs B. Reply to: Real-time lymph flow projection mapping using near infrared fluorescence.
J Surg Oncol 123(2):703, 2021 - Scaglioni MF, Meroni M, Fritsche E, Fuchs B. Reply to: Lymph interpositional flap transfer for upper thigh soft tissue and lymphatic reconstruction without lymphovenous anastomosis.
J Surg Oncology 123(2): 700, 2021 - B.Fuchs. B.Bode, G.Studer, S.Breitenstein. Wie entwickelt sich die Sarkomchirurgie?
Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Traumatologie. 1:16-18, 2021 - M.Scaglioni, E.Fritsche, B.Fuchs, M.Meroni. The use of pedicled chimeric superficial curcumflex iliac artery perforator (SCIP) flap as interpositional flap for deep thigh defect reconstruction: a case report.
Microsurgery 2021 Oct 09.
doi: 10.1002/micr.30823. Epub 2021 Oct 9 / PMID: 34626139 - M.Greminger, B.Bode, B.Fuchs: Extra-axial chordoma within a tendon of the hand.
J Hand Surg Eur Vol.: 2021 Nov 24:17531934211059872
doi: 10.1177/17531934211059872. Epub 2021 Nov 24 / PMID: 34816758 - B.Fuchs, G.Studer, B.Bode, H.Wellauer, A.Frei, C.Theus, G.Schüpfer, J.Plock, H.Windegger, S.Breitenstein. Development of a value-based health care delivery (VBHC) model for sarcoma patients.
Swiss Medical Weekly 2021 Dec 24; 151:w30047
doi: 10.4414/smw.2021.w30047. eCollection 2021 Dec 20 / PMID: 34964578 - Scaglioni MF, Meroni M, Fritsche, E, Fuchs B.: Total Groin Defect Reconstruction by Lymphatic Flow-Through (LyFT) pedicled deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) Flap resorting to its superficial veins for lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA): a case report.
Microsurgery 42(2): 170-175, 2022
doi: 10.1002/micr.30712. Epub 2021 Jan 23 / PMID: 33484183 - Scaglioni MF, Meroni M, Fritsche, E, Fuchs B: Combined double superficial iliac artery perforator flap with lymphatic tissue preservation and lymphovenous anastomosis for lymphatic sequelae prevention in thigh defect reconstruction: a case report.
Microsurgery 42(3):265-270, 2022 doi 10.1002/micr.30723 - MF.Scaglioni, M.Meroni, B.Fuchs, E.Fritsche: Lymphatic complications prevention and soft tissue reconstruction after soft tissue sarcoma resection in the limbs.
Medicina 2022 Jan 2; 58(1)_67.
doi: 10.3390/medicina58010067 / PMID: 35056375 - B.Fuchs, P.Heesen: Real-time interaktive Analyse der Behandlungsqualität von Sarkom-Patienten.
Info@onco-suisse 2022 (1):13-20 - A.Frei, P.Heesen, M.Scaglioni, P.Giovanoli, S.Breitenstein, B.Fuchs: Definition of the Surgical Case Complexity of Soft Tissue Tumors of the Extremities and Trunk.
Cancers 14(6): 1559, 2022
doi: 10.3390/cancers14061559 / PMID: 35326712 - N.Mosku, P.Heesen, G.Studer, B.Bode, N.Klaas, L.Kern, MF.Scaglioni, B.Fuchs: Biopsy Ratio of suspected to Confirmed Sarcoma Diagnosis.
Cancers 14(7): 1632, 2022
doi: 10.3390/cancers14071632. / PMID: 35406402 - P.Häfeli, P.Möhl, B.Fuchs, G.Studer, S.Aebi, R.Lopez Benitez, B.Link: Die interdisziplinäre Behandlung von Knochenmetastasen am LUKS: Teil 1 – Die erweiterte kombinierte chirurgisch-interventionelle Therapie: Embolisation, Biopsie, Ablation und operative Versorgung in einer Sitzung.
Luzerner Arzt accepted March 2022 - G.Studer, B.Bode, M.Scaglioni, P.Heesen, C.Theus-Steinmann, C.Glanzmann, B.Fuchs: Schweizerisches Sarkom-Netzwerk – Aktivitäten und erste Resultate.
Luzerner Arzt 129:57-61, 2022 - M.Scaglioni, M.Meroni, B.Fuchs, M.Knobe, E.Fritsche: The use of the Chimeric Conjoint Flap Technique for Complex Defects Reconstruction throughout the Body: Clinical experience with 28 cases.
Microsurgery July 01; 2022. DOI:10.1002/micr.30936. PMID: 35775973 - H.Wellauer, G.Studer, B.Bode-Lesniewska, B.Fuchs. Time and Accuracy to establish the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors: A comparative analysis from the SwissSarcomaNetwork.
Sarcoma 2022 April 30; 2022:7949549
doi: 10.1155/2022/7949549. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35535046 - R. van Leeuwen, M.Beck, B.Fuchs. Internal hemipelvectomy through a periacetabular osteotomy combined with an extraarticular (proximal) femur resection using a single approach: a series of cases.
J Surg Res 5(2):305-321, 2022
doi: 10.26502/jsr.10020224 - C.Fritz, M.Meroni, J.Tartanus, B.Fuchs, M.Scaglioni: Pedicled double-paddle posteriomedial thigh (vPMT) flap for double-layer closure and reconstruction of upper thigh defect after sarcoma resection: A case report.
Microsurgery Aug 10 2022
doi:10.1002/micr.30948. PMID: 35946575 - MF.Scaglioni, M.Meroni, E.Fritsche, B.Fuchs. Lymphatic complications prevention and soft tissue reconstruction after soft tissue sarcoma resection in the limbs.
Medicina 2022; 58(67):1-8
doi: 10.3390/medicina58010067; PMID: 35056375